About Us

We are a group of young people keen on environmental protection and technology. Our mission is to promote and practice a low-carbon lifestyle via this Campus Carbon Accounting System, raising awareness of the impact of carbon emissions on the planet and encouraging action to reduce carbon footprints, thereby protecting our shared home.

Team Members

Our team consists of the following passionate members:

Yihan (Yangyang) Zhou

Yangyang is the leader of CarbonTrack and is studying at Shanghai WFLA IBDP. He has a strong interest in economics and mathematics. In leisure time, he enjoys sports, especially basketball.

Zining (Jeffery) Lu

Jeffery is one of the core members of our team. As a skilled full-stack web engineer, he is responsible for the web design and maintenance of our carbon account website. His dream is to use technology to change how people live.

Yuanzheng (Jack) Yu

As the vice leader of the CarbonTrack team and a member of the Tech Department, Jack Yu is responsible for web design, development, testing, and maintenance, as well as coordinating with and planning alongside other departments. He hopes to harness the Internet to engage everyone in emission reduction, addressing environmental issues while enjoying the lovely community.

Ruoxuan (Amily) Gao

Amily is one of the core members of our team. She studies at Shanghai Xinghewan Bilingual School and is a member in content-department. She is mainly responsible for background research, literature review, and carbon accounting algorithms.

Yudi (Dora) Xu

Dora is one of the core members of our team. She studies at the International Department of HFI (Huafu). As a content-department member, she is responsible for carbon account's literature research. She hopes to encourage more people to engage in energy-saving actions to deal with environmental issues and make the world more sustainable.

Ruohan (Hannah) Zhang

Hannah is one of the core members of our team. She enriches the project’s copywriting after literature review and is also responsible for media work. She hopes to inspire everyone to start from small steps and contribute to environmental protection.

Ke (Jerry) Tang

Jerry is the vice-leader of CarbonTrack. He is a sophomore at Shanghai Pinghe School. He is responsible for the initial research and accounting algorithms of the carbon account.

Ruichen (Richard) Hu

Richard is one of the core members of our team. As part of the tech-department, he focuses on web development and coordinating with other departments. He hopes to use the internet to spread awareness of environmental issues and energy-saving concepts to a wider community, making the world greener.

Shuyan (Mandy) Yu

Mandy, currently studying at an American high school, mainly assists with artistic design. She hopes to inspire others through art and add a touch of green to the world.

特别鸣谢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to “三座雪山_” for providing web design consultation and artwork. Her personal website: https://www.whensnowone.com/

Our Mission

Our mission is to use the carbon account system to help ourselves and others achieve the following goals:

Our Achievements

Through the use of the CarbonTrack carbon accounting system, we have achieved the following milestones:

Category Indicator Description
Carbon Emission Reduction Reduced 加载中Loading
kg of CO₂ emission
We have recorded and managed our carbon footprints via carbon accounts, earning carbon credits and enjoying the benefits of a low-carbon lifestyle.
Low-Carbon Community Size Recently increased by 最近增加了加载中人 users By sharing our low-carbon lifestyles and stories, we have expanded our low-carbon community, enhanced awareness, and attracted more members to join our team.
Carbon Account Usage Times Processed 加载中Loading records The increasing number of carbon reduction records reflects the positive impact we are bringing to the community, as well as the stability of our website.